Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Check it out! Isabella figured out how to walk!
Thanks for Miss Channelle at daycare for the coaching!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Live from Dance Camp

Watch the little girl in front row in purple next to the large hand. 
Apologies for the poor quality video. I'm new at this. 

P's Dance Camp

Since you missed Miss Paeyton's camp dance recital, I thought I'd share her performance... Please remember this was a four day camp...and yesterday was a holiday...and choreography is hard, darn it.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Family Camping Trip to Cunningham Falls

This weekend Isabella took her first camping trip.  As with most things, she handled the experience well.  Lucky for us, she didn't like crawling in gravel so it was easy to keep an eye on her. 

Benjamin enjoyed rock climbing and Paeyton found a gaggle of kids to play with almost instantly.  Much thanks to our friends for coming along.  It was a fun and relaxing weekend.

                                                   Isabella wonders which way is up...

No one told him it might be chilly this weekend.

                                                              (super sweet photo eh?

Meet the newest member of the family...

(Baby included for scale)

This weekend we traded in the 5 person Jeep for the 8 person Pilot. We gave it a decent test drive to our camp site in Maryland so now it smells like a campfire.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter Everyone!
Guess how much candy he has had at this point?!

The lady in the bunny ears is with us...

Nine Months Old! Isabella is sitting up on her own and trying out food that does not come from a jar!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Miss P's Makeover

Defeated in the battle of the hairbrush, Paeyton surrendered to the hair salon for this cute new hair cut.  She also started wearing glasses to correct the sight in her left eye.  It appears she's been faking eye exams for years!

So what about the other two kids?!  Both were thrilled to get wheels for Christmas as you can see in the photos below.

Benjamin also got a wagon for his birthday so we are a fully mobile household. 
We just put Isabella in the wagon and go!

The past three months have been a blur...Here's the Isabella growth update. As you can see she has been busy growing.

 At  six months, she hadn't figured out how to grip things without coaching.

At seven months, she is a master at grabbing things. Lucky for us, she hasn't bothered to figure out crawling or rolling.

At eight months, she is sitting by herself and no longer an infant in my eyes.